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is seeking qualified DBEs

Project Name

WWTP PV Project Access Road

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

Yucaipa Valley Water District

Project Location

Yucaipa, San Bernardino County, CA

Bid Date

09/25/2024 at 11:00

Project Details

We are seeking quotes for the following scopes of work: Trench Protection, AC Paving, Concrete V-swales, Concrete Curb & Gutter, and Fence & Guardrail.

General Scope: 1,000 LF of 26' wide paved access road, 780 LF of 20’ wide paved access roads, 2,900 LF of gravel access road, 1,200 LF of 18" VCP gravity sewer, graded equipment pad, storm drain facilities and associated earthwork and grading activities, including approximately 36,000 CY of cut and 28,000 CY of fill (6,000 to 8,000 CY of shrinkage and subsidence). Owner will award based on the lowest cost qualified bid. The site of work is located at the District’s Wochholz Regional Water Recycling Facility partially in the City of Yucaipa, County of San Bernardino, California.

Project Documents: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/xudmjn5086b00tf7w9jaf/AKCOIM4046ESJTFq8TWNMEo?rlkey=kkf3jh0r63nayi8u1lfp1cng4&dl=0

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Giovanny Marquez


(951) 681-1345


(000) 000-0000


8432 63rd Street
Riverside, CA 92509

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