For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
Cerritos, Los Angeles County, CA
12/18/2024 at 14:00
Myers & Sons Construction, LLC is seeking DBE Subcontractors and Suppliers to bid on an upcoming project with Caltrans, RT 91 Cerritos JPCP-RSC, Contract No. 12-0R3114, Bidding on 11/7/2024 at 2:00 pm, with a 22% DBE goal. The work is located on state highway in Los Angeles and Orange Counties from 0.1 mile west of the Los Angeles County line in Cerritos to 0.1 mile east of Acacia Street undercrossing in Anaheim. The work, in general, consists of placing JPCP (RSC) and RHMA, and modifying electrical systems. Plans and Specs can be downloaded at
All items are available to bid on including, but not limited to items normally Myers & Sons would self-perform: Construction Area Signs, Traffic Control Systems, Temp. Striping, PCMS Boards, Implement BMP's, SWPPP, Temp. Erosion Control, Street Sweeping, Temp. Concrete Washout, Treated Wood Waste, Remove Concrete, Temp. High-Visibility Fence, Clear & Grub, Roadway Excavation, Structure Excavation, Structure Backfill, Pervious Backfill Material, Imported Borrow, Roadside Clearing, Rock Blanket, Erosion Control, Irrigation Systems, Class 2 Aggregate Subbase, Class 2 Aggregate Base, Class 3 Aggregate Base, LCB, LCB Rapid Setting, Replace Base, Base Bond Breaker, Asphaltic Emulsion, Prime Coat, Supply HMA, Supply RHMA, Place HMA Dike, Tack Coat, Remove AC Dike, Cold Plane AC Pavement, JPCP, Drill & Bond, Joint Seal, Remove Concrete Pavement & Base, Grind Existing Concrete Pavement, CIDH Concrete Piling, Structural Concrete, Minor Concrete, Paving Notch Extension, Clean Expansion Joint, Bar Reinforcing Steel, Sign Structures, Rapid Setting Concrete, Remove Unsound Concrete, Bridge Removal, Underground, Rock Slope Protection, Rock Slope Protection Fabric, Pre/Post Construction Surveys, Misc. Iron & Steel, Fencing, Striping Removals, Guardrail Systems, Permanent Striping, Roadside Signs, Concrete Barrier, Electrical Systems, Trucking.
Requirements: 100% performance and payment bonds may be required for the full amount of the subcontract price. Subcontractors must possess a valid contractor's license, DIR registration number, and current insurance meeting Myers & Sons Construction's requirements. Subcontractors will be required to sign the standard Myers & Sons Construction, LLC Subcontract Agreement. Quotations must be valid for one hundred and twenty (120) days after the specified Contract Award Date by the Owner. Plans and Specifications are available for viewing at our Sacramento office, please contact (916) 283-9950 or Plans and Specs can be downloaded at
Please call if you need assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies or visit our website at for more information. Myers & Sons Construction, LLC will work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project. Myers & Sons Construction is signatory to the Laborers, Carpenters, Cement Masons and Operating Engineers. Myers & Sons Construction, LLC is an equal opportunity employer.
** All items are open for bid, including items of work normally performed by Myers & Sons Construction. Quotations will be broken down into comparable packages as reasonably necessary. Myers & Sons Construction will work with interested DBE subcontractors to identify opportunities to break down items into economically feasible packages. **
Jamie Simmons
Joe Goehring
(916) 283-9950
(916) 614-9520
45 Morrison Avenue
Sacramento, CA 95838
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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