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is seeking qualified DBEs

Project Name

International Parkway Bridge Replacement & Expansion Project

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

City of Tracy

Project Location

Tracy, San Joaquin County, CA

Bid Date

12/18/2024 at 02:00

Project Details

Construction Staking, Temporary Fence (Type ESA), Lead Compliance Plan, Prepare Water Pollution Control Program, SWPPP Reports, Temporary BMPs, Construction Area Signs, Remove AC Pavement, Remove Roadside Sign, Bridge Removal, Clearing and Grubbing, Roadway Excavation, Imported Borrow, Class 2 AB, HMA, Tack Coat, Landscaping, Irrigation, Hydroseed, Finishing Roadway, CIDH Piling, Furnish and Erect PC/PS Girders, Bar Reinforcing Steel, Joint Seal, Concrete Barrier, Welding Steel Pipe Casing, Metal Rail Type ST-40, Steel Railing, Misc. Metal (Bridge), Guard Railing, Object Markers, Thermoplastic Traffic Stripe, Minor Concrete, Trucking, Grind and Groove Concrete, Material Testing, Fencing, Krail, Crash Cushion, Drainage Systems, Reinforced Concrete Pipe, Underground Utilities, Concrete Pavement, Joint Trench, Electrical, Traffic Signal, Street Lighting, Street Sweeping,

We are an equal opportunity employer. Plans and Specifications may be reviewed at our office located at 3835 Security Park Drive, Rancho Cordova, or may be obtained from the Owner. Each subcontractor may be required to submit faithful performance and payment bonds. Contact our office if you need more information or help obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies and materials or technical assistance.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Randy Jenco


(916) 852-5530


(916) 852-5533


PO Box 1508
Rancho Cordova, CA 95741

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