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is seeking qualified DBEs, MBEs, WBEs

Project Name

Greenbelt North Well Field Aquifer Test

Bid/Contract #

Greenbelt GMA23670

Awarding Agency

Greenbelt Municipal and Industrial Water Authority

Project Location

Claredon, Donley County, TX

Bid Date

01/01/2025 at 05:00

Project Details

Hydro Resources â€" Mid Continent, Inc. is soliciting qualified disadvantaged business enterprises (DBE) material supplier and subcontractor bids for Texas Water Development Board (TWDB) funded project Greenbelt North Well Field Aquifer Test project for the Greenbelt Municipal and Industrial Water Authority. The work and supplies may consist of site preparation, restoration and clean up, geophysical logging, stainless steel casing, sounding line, well development, water quality analysis, pea gravel, project signage, cement grouting, road clearing and grubbing, road construction, site grading, SWPPP, erosion control, trench safety and any other items as described in the specs.

Interested qualified suppliers and subcontractors may obtain free plans and specifications at www.CivCast.com or by contacting Amy Majors using the email below. All bids must be submitted to Hydro Resources â€" Mid Continent, Inc., attention Amy Majors, by email to AMajors@HydroResources.com., ph. No. 800.401.9092 along with DBE certification number and/or copy of DBE certificate by Tuesday 01.01.25 at 5:00 pm. Under no circumstances will bids be accepted after the project bid date.

This contract is subject to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program, which includes EPA-approved fair share goals toward procurement of Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (M/WBE) businesses. EPA rules require that applicants and prime contractors make a good faith effort to award a fair share of contracts, subcontracts, and procurements to M/WBEs through demonstration of the six affirmative steps. For more details on the DBE Program and the current, applicable fair share goals, please visit www.twdb.texas.gov/dbe.

This contract is to be funded through a loan obtained from the Texas Water Development Board as part of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund. There are a number of special provisions for this funding that bidders, by submitting a bid, acknowledge understanding, including the following: A contract is contingent upon release of funds from the TWDB. Any contract or contracts awarded under this Notice to Bidders are expected to be funded in part by financial assistance from the TWDB. Neither the State of Texas nor any of its departments, agencies, or employees are or will be a party to this Invitation for Bids or any resulting contract.

Hydro Resources is an equal opportunity employer.

Small and minority firms are encouraged to submit bids for this project.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Amy Majors


(800) 401-9092


(000) 000-0000


One Sugar Creek Center Blvd, Suite 400
Sugar Land, TX 77478

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