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is seeking qualified DVBEs

Project Name

Mission Bay Hub Tenant Improvement

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

San Francisco Unified School District

Project Location

San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA

Bid Date

02/20/2025 at 02:00

Project Details

The project is generally described as: The modernization of the 4th floor within the existing four-floor Mission Bay School building. New construction at the 4th floor will accommodate a special high school, while the first three floors will remain as an elementary school. The scope of the work is primarily interior, with the additional mechanical equipment on the north roof above the 3rd floor and the roof above the 4th floor. The shell and core of existing building is to remain. The 4th floor construction includes a group learning studio, three classrooms, meeting rooms, staff offices, and supporting restrooms.

This project is Prevailing Wage.
This project is not PLA.

Link to documents: https://order.e-arc.com/arcEOC/PWELL_Main.asp?mem=23

We are seeking qualified DVBE sub-contractors for this project.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Fawn McCully

Project Estimator

Carmen Olano


(415) 239-4500


(415) 239-4511


5616Mission St.
San Francisco, CA 94112

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