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is seeking qualified DVBEs

Project Name

Fiesta Gardens North K-8 School

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

San Mateo - Foster City School District

Project Location

715 Indian Ave, San Mateo County, CA

Bid Date

03/04/2025 at 02:00

Project Details

The Project consists of:
A. Construction of two new single-story buildings - bldg a including gymnasium and storage.
bldg b including admin, classrooms, stem lab.
B. Demolition of site hardscape/elements and existing buildings.
C. Site work including grading and earthwork, parking lot, pad preparation, underground
utilities, site work associated with new building/structures, site lighting, fencing, paving,
landscaping and installation of pc walkway shade structures

This project is Prevailing Wage.


To bid on this Project, the Bidder is required to have been prequalified by the District. To bid on this Project,
the Bidder is required to have been prequalified by the District. Pre-qualification for all bidding General
Contractors is to be through Quality Bidders at www.qualitybidders.com In addition, if the Project has
electrical, mechanical, or plumbing components that will be performed by subcontractors performing under
the following license classification(s), C-10, C-20, and C-36, then each of those subcontractors that intend to
bid as a first-tier subcontractor to a general contractor (prime contractor) are required to have been
prequalified by the District, through Quality Bidders at www.qualiltybidders.com

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Fawn McCully

Project Estimator

Carmen Olano


(415) 239-4500 Ext. 104


(415) 239-4511


550 W. Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94612

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