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is seeking qualified MBEs, WBEs, SBA MBEs, SBA VOBs, WOSBs, Section 3s, DVBEs

Project Name

Water Treatment Plant Improvement Project

Bid/Contract #

Dorris Community Development 23A-CDBG-20001

Awarding Agency

City of Dorris

Project Location

Dorris, Siskiyou County, CA

Bid Date

03/12/2025 at 01:00

Project Details

SnL Group, Inc. is seeking quotes from all certified MBE, WBE, VBE and Section 3, Subcontractors, Vendors & Material Providers for the following items of work, including but not limited to; demolition, site work and grading, trucking, well work & appurtenances, generator, electrical & mechanical, solar, chain link fence & gates, CMU block, SCADA, concrete, aggregate materials, rebar, site work, trenching, Water Treatment Plant pipe &appurtenances, & asphalt paving & striping.

Scope of work includes; demolition of existing water treatment building, improvements to existing well head piping, new backup generator, ground mount solar array, security chain-link fence, C.M.U. block water treatment building, & new SCADA.

SnL is available to discuss breaking out any portion of work to encourage MBE, WBE, VBE and Section 3 participation.

SnL Group, Inc.'s estimator can be reached at the office (530) 222-5048, and is available to provide you with any assistance to clarify any questions regarding the scope of work, including interpretation of plans, specifications and requirements, bid preparation and obtaining bonds, lines of credit, insurance and any technical assistance. SnL Group, Inc. may also assist in obtaining any necessary equipment, supplies, materials or related services.

Plans, specifications and project requirements may be reviewed at our office in Redding, CA. They can also be viewed and downloaded online at Shasta Builders Exchange, Dorris City Hall or the E&S Engineer & Surveyors office in Yreka, CA.

Wage Requirements: This is a public works project, and the Contractor shall be required to comply fully with all Laws and Regulations of the State of California regarding Labor Standards and the payment of prevailing wages on Public Works. In addition, this project is funded by a
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), through the State of California Department of Housing and Community Development, and the Contractor shall be required to pay not less than the minimum wages determined by the U.S. Department of Labor. In case of conflict between the Federal and State Wage rates, the higher rates must be paid. Bidders are responsible to inform themselves as to current and applicable wage rates, and as to any pending changes or adjustments of such rates.

Each subcontractor must submit proof of current DIR Registration when submitting a quote.

Insurance Requirements: each subcontractor must submit proof of work comp insurance and obtain work comp throughout the completion of the project.

Requirements: by submitting a proposal, the bidder affirms that they have carefully examined ALL the bidding documents/addenda and that from his/her own investigation, they have satisfied themselves as to the nature and location of the work. SnL's written subcontract documents execution is required of all successful subcontract bids. This project requires "Buy American Certification Form" for materials.

Under the MBE/WBE/VBE Program, entities can no longer self-certify and contractors and sub-contractors must be certified at bid opening. Contractors and subcontractors must provide MBE/WBE/VBE certification approved per the specifications of this project.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Tommi Compton


(530) 222-5048


(530) 222-5140


9818 Holton Way
Redding, CA 96003

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