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is seeking qualified DVBEs

Project Name

New 2-story Gymnasium at Burlingame High School Phase 2

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

San Mateo Union High School District

Project Location

Burlingame, San Mateo County, CA

Bid Date

10/13/2023 at 14:00

Project Details

BHM Construction, Inc. is the San Mateo Union High School District ("District") general contractor on the New 2-Story Gymnasium at Burlingame High School project. BHM Construction, Inc. is requesting pricing from qualified DVBE contractors for the following divisions of work:

DIV 31 earthwork, DIV 32 exterior improvements, DIV 33 utilities, DIV 02 demolition, DIV 3 concrete, DIV 5 metals, DIV 6, woods, plastics, and composites, DIV 07 thermal and moisture protection, DIV08 openings, DIV 09 finishes, DIV 10 specialties, DIV 11 equipment, DIV 12 furnishings, DIV 14 hydraulic passenger elevator, DIV 21 fire suppression, DIV 22 plumbing DIV 23 HVAC, DIV 13 electrical.

Scope of work: New construction of a two-story 27,070sf gymnasium building, with team locker rooms, training rooms, offices, fitness center, restrooms, and concessions. Project also consists of installation of new sitework with associated landscaping and minor alterations to the existing parking lot.

Value: This project is valued at $30,000,000

We are an Equal Opportunity Employer. We will assist in bonding & insurance should it be required.

Bidding documents will be available September 6, 2023, within the BHM Lease-Leaseback Planroom by visiting bhmconstruction.com and clicking on the subcontractor portal, and then the Lease-Leaseback Planroom icon, no password is required.

BHM Construction, Inc. will award the subcontracts, if it awards at all, on a restricted best-value basis pursuant to the criteria permitted under Education Code §17406 and authorized by the district.

Selected subcontractors will be required to sign the BHM subcontract agreement, available in the BHM Lease-Leaseback plan room, which will incorporate the district's contract with BHM.

The successful subcontractors shall pay all workers on the Project not less than the general prevailing rate of per diem wages and the general prevailing rate for holiday and overtime work as determined by the Director of the Department of Industrial Relations, State of California, for the type of work performed and the locality in which the work is to be performed within the boundaries of the district, pursuant to sections 1770 et seq. of the California Labor Code. Prevailing wage rates are available from the district at the district's office or on the internet at: http://www.dir.ca.gov. Subcontractors shall comply with the registration and qualification requirements pursuant to sections 1725.5 and 1771.1 of the California Labor Code.

PLA requirements apply to this project.

Skilled and trained workforce requirements apply to this project.

Questions regarding this bid must be submitted in writing, directed only to BHM Construction, Inc., and received no later than September 12, 2023, by 3:00 PM to bids@bhmconstruction.com.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

April Karsemeyer


(707) 643-4580


(707) 643-4581


221 Gateway Rd. W Ste. 405
Napa, CA 94558

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