For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
Lincoln Elementary School Safe Route Improvements, Richmond, CA
Reference: OBAG 2
Owner: City of Richmond CA
02/20/2024 at 02:00
electrical, striping: $ $24,000.00
Bid documents can be viewed at or obtained from:
BID DOCUMENTS: Bid Documents can be obtained from the City of Richmond’s website To download documents, new vendors will be required to register.
Once the vendor downloads any documents relative to a solicitation, that vendor’s name will
appear on the prospective bidders list for that project and will receive any addenda or
notifications relating to this bid.
CA Prevailing Wage. Davis-Bacon and Related Act Provisions. REGISTRATION REQUIREMENT: To be qualified to bid or to be listed in a bid proposal, all contractors must be registered with the Department of Industrial Relations . For Bonding and insurance assistance contact The US Small Business Administration may assist you in obtaining bonding - please see the following site for information: Visit the California Access to Capital Program Financing Solutions website for additional resources for your small business - Please send quote by 2/19 @COB.
Yong Kay
(510) 658-7225
(510) 658-4890
4026 Martin Luther King Jr Way
Oakland, CA 94609
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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