For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
Bart Pedestrian & Bike Connectivity Project
Federal: CML 5127(036); Caltrans: 04-2W5804; City: 2019-03
City of Pittsburg
Pittsburg, Contra Costa County, CA
02/15/2024 at 02:00
The City of Pittsburg proposes to construct pedestrian and bicycle connectivity improvements in the vicinity of the Pittsburg Center Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station in the City of Pittsburg in Contra Costa County.
We are seeking quotes for the following items of work:
Slurry Seal, Earthwork, Signage,Traffic Control, Trucking, AC Paving, Landscape & Irrigation, Electrical & Striping
Bid documents can be viewed at our office or can be reviewed online at A link with bid documents can also be provided by emailing us at RKE is requesting pricing for all items of work on the project. Subcontractors and suppliers are required to submit price quotes to us within a reasonable time prior to the bid date, in order to fully evaluate quote. 100% performance bonds may be required for the full subcontracted amount. Subcontractors must possess a valid California Contractor's license, DIR Registration Number, and current insurance. Subcontractor's will be required to sign a standard subcontract agreement. RKE is signatory to the unions. This is a prevailing wage project. Please call if you will need assistance in obtaining bonding, lines of credit, insurance, equipment, materials, or delivery schedules. Please contact our office if you are interested in this project. RKE will work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking to work on this project. All quotes must include state license number, DIR number, and certification number, if applicable.
RKE is an equal opportunity employer.
(415) 740-0165
(000) 000-0000
3450 3rd St, Unit D4
San Francisco, CA 94124
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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