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HT-22 Hawley Tank Painting Re-bid
Official Notice No. 41-1-2024
City of Milwaukee, Department of Public Works - Milwaukee Water Works
Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, WI
02/27/2024 at 10:30
TMI Coatings, Inc. is seeking proposals from SBE subcontractors and suppliers for welding, trucking, shrub/tree trim, dumpster rental, and portable toilet rental.
The scope of work is described as furnishing all equipment, labor, supervision, inspection, material, and appurtenance for and in connection with the supply and installation of a complete coating system for the exterior, wet interior, and portion of the dry interior of the Hawley Tank.
Bonds will not be required from qualified subcontractors.
When sending a proposal, include your SBE certificate confirming certification by the City of Milwaukee Office of Equity and Inclusion.
Please contact Kevin Fitch at 651-452-6100 or for more information and specific requirements.
Jackie Wegerer
Kevin Fitch
(651) 452-6100
(651) 452-0598
3291 Terminal Drive
Eagan, MN 55121
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