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is seeking qualified MBEs, WBEs, SBA MBEs, WOSBs, HUBZone

Project Name

Request For Proposal 151898 Weapons Detection Systems - Equipment, Accessories, & Support

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

Dallas Independent School District - PURCHASING DEPARTMENT

Project Location

Dallas, Dallas County, TX

Bid Date

04/04/2024 at 02:00

Project Details

We are looking for a partner/supplier that can support the district to this request for Proposal (RFP) will be for the purchase of metal detectors, installation and service.

Current pre-approved Large Event/High Throughput Metal Detectors in use in Dallas ISD
include the following.

CEIA OpenGate (Stand-alone Systems) or equal to
Evolv Express (Integrated Systems) or equal to
Dallas ISD will accept pricing for comparable alternative Large Event/High Throughput Metal Detectors. Comparable alternatives will be subject to Dallas ISD internal vetting prior to any purchases.

We have to send numerous vendor forms such as MWBE Participation Plan, Execution of Offer, COI and Insurance Verification Form, HB 1295, W9, CIQ, and Criminal History Background Check


Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Shalane Wick


(844) 692-5886


(612) 331-3424


4675 E. Cotton Center Blvd. Suite 155
Phoenix, AZ 85040

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