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100% US-based
NYCDEP CRO-590 Sluice Gate/Screening Upgrade
New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Bronx , Bronx County, NY
04/05/2024 at 14:00
Jett Industries. (Jett - Contractor) is assembling a bid for Contract CRO-590 - Sluice Gate and Screenings Upgrade in the Borough of The Bronx with The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (NYCDEP- Owner) and extends this Request for Quotes (RFQ) to all firms (Bidder) to provide labor, materials, and/or equipment for the Project as described in these bid packages.
Access to Bid Documents,
All bid documents will be posted to the Project Files tab of Building Connected.
Issuance of Addenda by NYCDEP
Jett will upload addenda to Building Connected internet site as received by the Owner. A notification through Building Connected will be sent to Bidders. Bidders are required to acknowledge receipt of addenda in writing on Bid Proposal form or their quote.
Requests for Clarification
Any Bidder, no later than the date posted on the Project Information Page, may submit questions for interpretation or clarification of, or addenda to, this Bid. All requests must be submitted in writing and sent by email or as a message through Building Connected
M/WBE Goal:
This project has a 9% M/WBE participation goal of firms certified by NYC Small Business Services. Jett encourages Minority and Woman business enterprise (M/WBE) firms to quote our projects, as well as subcontractors and materials supplier who contract with our firm and utilize M/WBE subcontractors and vendors for work to be performed.
1. Work is to be performed under this Contract at the following Site(s):
a. Site #1: Gatehouse 7 at Jerome Park Reservoir
1) This site is located at the Jerome Park Reservoir, Dickinson Avenue & Sedgwick Avenue, The Bronx, NY 10463
b. Site #2: Gatehouse 5 at Jerome Park Reservoir
1) This site is located in the Jerome Park Reservoir, W 205th Street & Goulden Avenue, The Bronx, NY 10463
This contract includes the replacement of the following:
seven (7) sluice gates in GH7 (3 in the west chamber; 4 in the east)
electric actuators for the west gates
the installation of an automatic screening system at GH5
thirteen (13) new electric actuators for the GH5 gates
new girder top-running bridge crane (2 tons).
Drawings & Specifications
Contract documents, including plans & specifications can be viewed and downloaded at:
The Bidder will be required to quote in compliance with all project plans and specifications. Non-Disclosure Agreements are provided when applicable. Addenda is posted and notification is sent to all invited bidders.
Insurance Requirements
Upon award, Subcontractors must provide insurance in accordance with our subcontract agreement. A copy of the subcontractor agreement can be found in Building Connected Project Plan Room.
Bonding Requirements
For subcontracts the Bidder shall furnish Performance and Payment Bonds equal to the full subcontract price. For Material Contracts, the bidder shall furnish Supply Bonds in amount equal to full Material Contract price. Bond premiums are reimbursable by Kiewit/Mass. Electric Construction Co. Jett Industries Inc.
Please provide current bond rate with Quote/Proposal or advise if you are unable to bond so that we my address this issue.
Submission of Proposals & Quotes
Proposals & Quotes from Contractors & Suppliers must be submitted on or prior to bid due date listed above. You can submit your quote three (3) ways:
1) Upload your proposal to Building Connected
2) E-mail your quote/ proposal to Project Estimator Listed or
3) Fax your quote/proposal to our Estimating,
How to get in touch
Outreach Coordinator
Patricia Salmon
Project Estimator
Kimberly Miller
Telephone 607-433-2100 Fax 607-433-2430
470 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 07677
Patricia Salmon
Kimberly Miller
(323) 574-2432
(000) 000-0000
470 Chestnut Ridge Road
Woodcliff Lake, NJ 7677
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