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UCSD - Birch Aquarium Facility Updates
UCSD Project No.: 5537
UC San Diego
San Diego, San Diego County, CA
05/23/2024 at 16:00
Subject to conditions prescribed by the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), responses to Rudolph and Sletten, Inc.’s (R&S) (LICENSE # 198069) Pre-qualification (RFQ) Documents are sought for the following work:
5537 UCSD Birch Aquarium Facility Updates
UCSD Project No.: 5537
La Jolla, CA
RFQ will be available beginning 4/9/2024. To request an RFQ, send an email with the subject line, “UCSD Birch Aquarium Facility Updates” to with the following information: Company name, CA Contractor’s State License Board license number, RFQ contact phone number, RFQ contact email address and Bid Package(s) of interest.
This project consists of modifying the existing UCSD Birch Aquarium as well as constructing new additions to the building which include new husbandry shed (replaces existing shed) for animal holding tanks and water filtration equipment, new lab support. spaces, and new greenhouse structure. The living seas area will be selectively demolished and new tanks and exhibits will be added to the facilities. The building will be fully equipped with an automatic sprinkler system and fire alarm system.
Rudolph and Sletten is seeking Bids for the Bid Packages (BP) listed below. All BPs are Lump Sum Bid (Bid).
The estimated total project construction value is: $18,000,000.00.
Subject to the conditions in the RFQ and bid documents, prospective bidders for the bid packages (BPs) listed herein are required to prequalify to participate in the bidding process. In addition, pre-qualified prospective bidders will be required to possess the current and active California State Contractor’s Licenses identified below, at the RFQ and Bid due date and time,
as designated:
BP Estimated BP Value Required Licenses
BP 1 �" Prefabricated Greenhouse $250,000 B or C31/D34
BP 2 �" Acrylic Panel $120,000 B or C-8 or C31/D34
RFQ available to prospective pre-qualified bidders 4/9/2024
RFQ RFIs due 4/12/2024 by 10:00 AM
RFQ due 4/16/2024 by 4:00 PM
Notification of qualification status released in writing 4/22/2024
Bid Docs Anticipated to be Available 05/01/2024
Bid Opening 05/23/2024
Anticipated Construction Start September 2024
Estimated Construction Completion October 2025
1. Hold a current and active BP specific Contractor License in the State of California.
2. Have average construction revenue of greater than three (3) times the respective Estimated BP values specified herein over the most recent three (3) fiscal years.
3. Have single project bonding capacity greater than the respective Estimated BP values specified herein as confirmed by a Surety Company licensed through the California Department of Insurance with a rating, as found in A.M. Best, of A or better.
4. Have asset to liability ratio for the 2023 (or 2022 if 2023 financial statements are not yet available for review) fiscal year that is greater than or equal to one (1.00)
5. Have an average Experience Modification Rate (EMR) for the most recent three-year period, as determined by the CA Workers Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau, of 1.15 or less.
6. Have instituted a corporate Injury and Illness Prevention Program in compliance with California OSHA Title 8, Section 3203 requirements.
7. Firm has not been disbarred, terminated for cause or otherwise prevented from bidding on, or completing any public works project at any time within the last seven (7) years.
8. Firm has not been subject to a disciplinary proceeding by a public agency as the result of a crime for which an owner or officer was convicted, or of a disciplinary infraction such as a breach of a code of ethics, at any time within the last seven (7) years.
9. Firm has not been found in a final decision of a court to have submitted a false claim to a public agency within the last seven (7) years.
10. Firm(s) has not had a surety company perform any or all of their work on one or more of their construction projects within the last seven (7) years.
11. Firm dispatches apprentices from a California Apprenticeship Council approved program for use on any public work project awarded a contract by a Public Entity.
12. Submission of a declaration that all information provided is true and correct.
13. Firm has completed 1 comparable project within the last seven (7) years for each BP of interest. Submit an Appendix A Project Data Sheets for Comparable/Largest Projects completed within the last seven (7) years for each BP of interest. Scope of Work performed on Comparable Project must be applicable to the license(s) specified for the respective Bid Package. Firms may escalate the final construction costs of a comparable projects using California Construction Cost Index (CCCI). The value of the comparable project from the award date may be escalated to current value as of March of 2024. Subject to the above qualifications, Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. consider the following criteria to define a "Comparable/Largest" project.
Subject to the above qualifications, Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. consider the following criteria to define a "Comparable/Largest" project. At least two (2) of the following items i-iv, must be met and contain current contact information of applicable references (General Contractor, Owner and/or Architect).
If Rudolph and Sletten, Inc is unable, after reasonable efforts, to confirm the past project information submitted by prospective bidders, said project may not be accepted. The work in the listed projects must have been managed and constructed by the licensed entity submitting for pre-qualification and performed by the licensed entity's own workforce.
Entity may not use experience performed by a parent company, a sister subsidiary company, or a subsidiary to Entity. Additionally, Entity may not use experience where Entity was one member of a separately licensed joint venture Entity.
i. BP specific construction value at completion greater than or equal to the published BP value per this Advertisement for pre-qualification.
ii. Projects with equal or greater value to the published BP value built in the State of California.
iii. Work being governed by Public Contracting Code.
iv. Project being a Seismic Retrofit completed at the UCSD Campus or an Aquarium with equal or greater value to the published BP value.
R&S has determined that prospective subcontractors for the Bid Packages identified must be pre-qualified to submit a bid for this project. R&S will establish a list of prospective pre-qualified bidders. R&S will determine, solely at their own discretion, based on the above prequalification criteria, whether a prospective bidder is pre-qualified. Each prospective pre-qualified bidder must answer all of the questions and provide all requested information, where applicable. Any prospective pre-qualified bidder failing to do so may be deemed to be not responsive and will not be qualified.
Questions and requests for clarification or interpretation of the pre-qualification documents must be submitted in writing via email: Questions must be submitted by the date indicated within this Notice. Questions received after that date will be answered at the discretion of R&S. Interested firms are responsible for checking the web site frequently to determine whether any addenda have been published. E-mail is the preferred method for transmittal of questions.
R&S reserves the right, but is under no obligation, to request, receive, and evaluate supplemental information after the indicated time and date at its sole determination. All information submitted for pre-qualification evaluation will be considered official information acquired in confidence, and UCSD and R&S will maintain its confidentiality to the extent permitted by law.
Prospective pre-qualified bidders who request an opportunity will receive a written response containing pre-qualification determination by bid package of interest.
Responses to this RFQ may not be accepted after the deadline.
If the prospective Subcontractor is determined to not be pre-qualified, the prospective Subcontractor may request a review by R&S. Any such request must be received by the Facility within 3 calendar days after receipt by the prospective Subcontractor of the determination. The decision resulting from such review is final and is not appealable within the University of California. Any person or entity not satisfied with the outcome of the pre-qualification must file a writ challenging the outcome within 10 calendar days from the date of R&S’ written notice regarding pre-qualification determination. Any assertion that the outcome of the pre-qualification process was improper will not be a ground for a bid protest.
This project is a public works project and is subject to prevailing wage rate laws (see Contract General Conditions, Article 35.02-c). All contractors and all tiers of subcontractors submitting proposals or bids on this project shall register to bid public works projects with the Department of Industrial Relations, and maintain current this registration pursuant to Labor Code Section 1725.5. Please go to for more information and to register.
No contractor or subcontractor, regardless of tier, may be listed on a Bid for, or engage in the performance of, any portion of this project, unless registered with the Department of Industrial Relations pursuant to Labor Code section 1725.5 and 1771.1.
This project is subject to compliance monitoring and enforcement by the Department of Industrial Relations.
The successful Pre-qualified Bidder shall pay all persons providing construction services and/or any labor on site, including any University location, no less than the UC Fair Wage ($15 per hour) and shall comply with all applicable federal, state and local working condition requirements.
Every effort will be made to ensure that all persons have equal access to contracts and other business opportunities with UCSD within the limits imposed by law or UCSD policy. Subcontractors may be required to show evidence of its equal employment opportunity policy. The successful subcontractors will be required to follow the nondiscrimination requirements set forth in the Bid Documents and to pay prevailing wage at the location of the work.
In addition, the University is committed to promoting and increasing participation of small business enterprises (SBEs) and disabled veteran business enterprises (DVBEs) relating to all goods and services covered under the awarded agreement, subject to any and all applicable obligations under state and federal law, and University policies. The awarded contractor shall make best efforts to provide qualified SBEs and DVBEs with the maximum opportunity to participate. Potential bidders may be asked to submit their small business outreach plan to the University as part of the prequalification process
The work described in the contract is a public work subject to section 1771 of the California Labor Code.
Please note this project is subject to the Skilled and Trained workforce requirements.
APRIL 2024
Patricia Kingston
(916) 788-7001
(000) 000-0000
120 Constitution Drive
Menlo Park, CA 94025
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