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is seeking qualified DBEs

Project Name

Lucas Valley Rd MP 9.6 Slope Improvement Project

Bid/Contract #

Federal Project No.: ER-40A0(088) County Project No.: 2019-13

Awarding Agency

County of Marin

Project Location

Nicasio, Marin County, CA

Bid Date

05/02/2024 at 02:30

Project Details

ETIC is actively seeking DBE quotes for the following items, including, but not limited to:

Paving, Drilling, Ground Anchors, Guardrail, Cable Railing, Trucking, Rebar/Forms/Concrete, Traffic Control, and Planting.

Plans and specifications for this project are available for review online of in our office, ETIC can also provide you with electronic copies of upon request. If you require additional information regarding the requirements of this contract, please contact ETIC and we will work with you to adequately address any questions.

ETIC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We encourage and actively solicit proposals from SBE subcontractors and suppliers on all our projects. All qualified DBE subcontractors/suppliers must be registered and certified by the California Department of General Services, or an acceptable certifying agency as described in the bid specifications. All subcontractors must possess a current contractor’s license, general liability, automobile insurance, and worker’s compensation coverage meeting ETIC’s limit requirements and will be required to execute ETIC’s Master Subcontractor’s Agreement, prior to commencing any work.

Prior to the bid, you can contact our office if you require assistance in bonding (if applicable), lines of credit, insurance, obtaining necessary equipment, supplies, materials or services etc., which may be required by the Owner of this Contract.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Courtney Aubert

Project Estimator

Mike Babst


(925) 602-4710


(925) 602-4720


3478 Buskirk Ave., Suite 220
Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

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Procurement, Capital Access, & Surety Bond Assistance

The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.

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