For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
Mt. Veeder Road MPM 3.99 RDS 23-23
RDS 23-23
Napa County
Napa, Napa County County, CA
05/16/2024 at 11:30
Suulutaaq, Inc. is requesting qualified DBE/WBE/MBE/SBEsubs/firms/suppliers to assist with the performance and completion of the Napa County - Mt. Veeder Road MPM 3.99 RDS 23-23: Trades of interest include Erosion Control; SWPPP; Construction Staking/Survey; Traffic Control; Sawcut; HMA; Pavement Grinding; CL2 AB; MGS type A77P2, Type 11D Layout with Reflectors; End Treatments; Cable Railing; Traffic Stripe Thermoplastic; Drainage Materials - CMP, T Spreader; Geocomposite; Type F Dikes; RSP Class 3; RSP Fabric; Lava Rock; Geocomposite Fabric Mirafi 140N/500X; Caltrans Type G2 Inlet with Concrete Apron; 24" CIDH Concrete Piling; Structural Concrete (Grade Beam); Bar Reinforcing Steel (CIDH) and Grade Beam; Drill and Bond;
Suulutaaq, Inc. is capable of assisting with insurance and bonding. Suulutaaq, Inc. is a signatory to the Operating Engineers and Laborer's Unions.
Please feel free to contact the Estimating Department with any questions: -707-656-3620; - 916-990-6424; 707-427-3209 Office
Select the link for the plans/specs:
Joseph Alejandro
Jimmy Simmons;
(707) 427-3209
(707) 419-4851
110 Railroad Ave Suite A
Suisun City, CA 94585
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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