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is seeking qualified DBEs

Project Name

DBE Sub-Consultant Opportunity for Task Order/On-Call Engineering Services

Bid/Contract #

No. RFP-JV-24-002

Awarding Agency

Inland Empire Utilities Agency

Project Location

Chino, San Bernardino County, CA

Bid Date

06/25/2024 at 15:00

Project Details

Cannon is seeking qualifications from certified DBE firms to provide the following:

• Grant writing: including assisting IEUA with writing grant application for securing funding for proposed projects (see capital projects list below).

• Pavement management: including assessing the existing condition conditions of pavements and providing recommendations for remediation.

Capital projects may include electrical/instrumentation, process controls, structural design, sewer improvements, water & recycled water improvements and wastewater improvements, as well as constructability reviews.

INTERESTED PARTIES MUST RESPOND BY 12:00 pm, Thursday, May 16th, 2024. Please respond by submitting a letter of interest, DBE certification, brief firm profile, and resumes (limited to 5 pages).

For more information regarding the scope of work, please contact our office. This request for proposals shall not obligate Cannon to either contact with or reimburse costs to respond hereto.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Nicole Olson


(805) 503-4507


(805) 544-3863


11900 West Olympic Blvd, Suite 530
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401

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Free DBE Resources

Procurement, Capital Access, & Surety Bond Assistance

The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.

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