
is seeking qualified DBEs, MBEs, WBEs, SBEs, SDVOBs, NYC MBEs, NYC WBEs

Project Name

ELM - Elmira Corning Regional Airport - Outbound Baggage System Modifications

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

Chemung County-City of Elmira Purchasing Department

Project Location

Elmira, Chemung Country County, NY

Bid Date

05/30/2024 at 13:45

Project Details

We are seeking DBE firms for the Outbound Baggage System Modificatoins project at the Elmira Corning Regional Airport.

Firms needed are for the Electrical portion of the Baggage Handling system.

If you are interested, please contact Tenille Whitten at 801-388-6970.

Please contact Tenille Whitten at

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Tenille Whitten


(801) 388-6970


(000) 000-0000


4074 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067

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