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Newell Creek Pipeline Improvements Project - Felton/Graham Hill
Project No. CWO# 2023-002
City of Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, CA
10/15/2024 at 2:00
Project Description: The Project includes replacing 25,083 feet of existing Newell Creek Pipeline (NCP) 20 to 27-inch Concrete Cylinder Pipe (CCP) and steel pipe from Felton Booster Pump Station (FBPS) through the Henry Cowell Redwoods State Park (HCRSP) to the intersection of Henry Cowell Drive and Graham Hill Road with a new approximately 19,860 foot, 24-inch ductile iron pipeline located predominantly in Graham Hill Road. Additional work includes paving, tree removal, cathodic protection, drilled concrete piers, pipeline appurtenances, work above a highly regulated and protected waterway, a Railroad crossing, and work within and next to protected, sensitive environmental resources. The new pipeline will connect at the Felton Booster Pump Station, cross under Graham Hill Road, cross above Zayante Creek, continue south through easements, bore under the Santa Cruz, Big Trees and Pacific Railway (Railroad), continue south in Graham Hill Road, and tie-in to the existing pipeline at the intersection of Henry Cowell Drive and Graham Hill Road. The abandoned pipeline not removed will be filled with cellular grout in select areas. E.E $24M to $31M
Items for the project include, but are not limited to:
Subcontractors / Suppliers: SWPPP, SWPPP materials, surveying, geotechnical instrumentation and monitoring, pipe ramming/auger bore, concrete, cellular grout, controlled low strength material (CSLM), precast concrete vaults, epoxies, metals, structural steel, metal fabrication, rebar, thermal and moisture protection, cathodic protection, high-performance coatings, electrical, earthwork, dewatering, trenching, drilled concrete piers, paving, concrete curbs, gutters, and sidewalks, AC paving, pavement markings, CCTV inspection, piping, temporary bypass, ductile iron pipe, valves, traffic control, traffic signage, traffic striping, dewatering, tree trimming, hydroseeding, trenching, and trucking.
Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. is requesting subcontractor and material supply quotes from qualified and certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise and Small Business Enterprise firms (includes MBE, WBE, SBE, SBRA, LSAF, & HUB). The Project may be funded in whole or part by the EPA through the California Drinking, State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) and the Water Infrastructure Finance Innovation Act (WIFIA), which requires compliance with American Iron and Steel, Davis Bacon, California prevailing wage rates, and USEPA DBE compliance requirements. Please contact APEC for assistance with bonding, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies or materials. EOE.
Plans can be viewed at:
Anderson Pacific, 1370 Norman Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95054 by appointment or downloaded from:
Submit Quotes to:
Anderson Pacific Attn: Estimating - Phone: 408-970-9900 �" Fax: 408-213-0532 �" Email:
NOTE: *** All quotes must be per “plans and specifications,” unless otherwise noted. An EPA 4500-3 DBE Subcontractor Participation Form must be submitted with scope/quote. ***
Estimating Department
Estimating Department
(408) 970-9900
(408) 213-0532
1370 Norman Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95054
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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