For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
ESports Clubs After-School Enrichment
Competitive RFQ Number: NG10501
Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA
09/10/2024 at 11
Provide a complete and comprehensive description of services that support central office & school teams in implementing the following:
Successful After School ESports Clubs that comprises 10-week after school club sessions for students in grades 3-12, including opportunities for competitive play.
Organizational Structure and General Strategy
● Provide an overview of your company’s experience planning, implementing, and program effec-tiveness of ESports After School Clubs for grades 3-12. The overview must describe program delivery methods and timelines.
● Please explain how your organization prioritizes equitable access for all students to participate in ESports.
● Describe your proposed staffing structure, along with names, titles, and responsibilities who will have primary oversight for the School District.
● Provide an overview of your customer satisfaction and continuous improvement process with your K-12 partner schools/districts.
Outline the products & services you offer, including the features and benefits and how they address the scope requested herein for elementary grades (3-5), middle grades (6-8) and high school grades (9-12), for each section below, respectively.
○ Include a scope and sequence of lessons for each club session that incorporates explicit opportunities to highlight skills and content, and offers opportunities for practice and ap-plication embedded into game play or other project-based activities.
○ Skills and content explored may contain an overview of, or an explicit, targeted focus on, one or more of the following skills/content areas:
�-� Social Emotional Learning;
�-� Digital responsibility and citizenship;
�-� Positive game play, communication, & teamwork before and during competition time;
�-� Conflict resolution; and
�-� Esports career pathways including but not limited to shoutcasting, streaming, game development, and marketing
Cara Mazurek
(844) 692-5886
(612) 331-3424
4675 E. Cotton Center Blvd. Suite 155
Phoenix, AZ 85040
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