For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
South Sunset Clubhouse Renovation
City of San Francisco
San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA
10/02/2024 at 02:30
South Sunset Clubhouse is a 2,600-square-foot, one-story clubhouse which includes a
multi-purpose room, restrooms, a kitchen, and an office. The building, originally constructed in
1949, was last renovated in 1992 and is in need of repair to better serve the community. The
project proposes the renovation of interior spaces in the clubhouse, access improvements, and
beautification. Exterior modifications include window alterations at all facades and removal of
non-historic window screens at
north facade.
LBE Subcontracting Participation Requirement is 20%.
This project has a Prevailing Wage requirement, and Citywide PLA.
Wickman Development and Construction is including a template of our Master Subcontract Agreement for reference to subcontractors who will be awarded this project.
Fawn McCully
Carmen Olano
(415) 239-4500 Ext. 104
(415) 239-4511
550 W. Grand Ave.
Oakland, CA 94612
The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.
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