
is seeking qualified DBEs, SBA MBEs, Section 3s, Los Angeles CBEs

Project Name

Redlands Regional Connector (South) Project Project No. CRP-5083(031)

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency


Project Location


Bid Date

12/02/2024 at 2:30

Project Details

We are seeking quotes for the following items: Striping, Fencing, Survey, Landscaping, and Irrigation.

All American Asphalt is requesting quotes from all qualified subcontractors and suppliers including certified DBE/UDBE/SBE/DVBE firms for the following items of work, including but not limited to
Striping, Fencing, Survey, Landscaping, and Irrigation..

Subcontractors and suppliers are required to submit price quotes to us within a reasonable time prior to the bid date, in order for us to fully evaluate quote. Quotations must be valid for same duration as specified by Owner for contract award. Please include your Contractor License and DIR Registration Number on your quote.

The DBE/UDBE/SBE/DVBE Contract goal is 19 percent.

Plans and specifications are available at https://fileshare.allamericanasphalt.com/index.php/s/G7CNctakECFjKS3

All American Asphalt intends to work cooperatively with all qualified firms seeking work on this project, do not hesitate to call our office with any questions. All American Asphalt encourages all minorities including but not limited to DBE/UDBE/SBE/DVBE to participate.

All American Asphalt is signatory to Laborers, Operating Engineers, and Cement Masons. Assistance in obtaining bonding, insurance, equipment, materials and/or supplies is available upon request.

All American Asphalt is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

Plans and specifications are available at https://fileshare.allamericanasphalt.com/index.php/s/G7CNctakECFjKS3

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Kim Bird

Project Estimator

Augustine De Los Reyes


(951) 736-7600 Ext. 219


(951) 736-7646


PO Box 2229
Corona, CA 92878

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Free DBE Resources

Procurement, Capital Access, & Surety Bond Assistance

The U.S. Department of Transportation-supported Southwest Region SBTRC helps DBEs with Procurement, Capital Access, and Surety Bond Assistance - and much more - at no cost.

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