
is seeking qualified DBEs, MBEs, WBEs, SBEs, SBA MBEs, SDBs, WOSBs, HUBZone, Section 3s, SBRA, LSAF

Project Name

Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant Project

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

City of Gonzales

Project Location

Gonzales, Monterey County, CA

Bid Date

02/26/2025 at 02:00

Project Details

Project Description: Construction of Influent Pump Station, Headworks, Aerated Treatment Ponds, Infiltration Ponds, Operational and Maintenance (O&M) Building, Pre-engineered Blower Building, and onsite supporting facilities and utilities.EE $19,500,000 - $20,000,000

Items for the project include, but are not limited to:
Subcontractors / Suppliers: surveying, SWPPP, demolition, clearing & grubbing, dewatering, earthwork, trenching, fencing, gates, asphalt concrete paving, drilling, well monitoring, manholes, concrete formwork, cast-in-place concrete, reinforcing steel, concrete masonry, structural steel, steel joist framing, steel roof deck, misc. metals, aluminum railings, interior woodwork, FRP railing/grating, pre-engineered building/canopy, steel doors & frames, sealants & caulking, windows, glazing, steel framing, ceramic tiles, acoustical tile ceilings, painting & coatings, access hatches, overhead rolling doors, metal lockers, fire extinguishers, toilet and bath accessories, signage, pumps, electrical motors, submersible pumps, lagoon aeration equipment, turbo blowers, HDPE membrane liner, ventilation tubing, pipe, DIP fittings, HDP pipe, PVC pipe, HVAC, SCADA, electrical, motors controls, fiber optic system, fire alarm system, generator, and trucking.

Anderson Pacific Engineering Construction, Inc. is requesting subcontractor and material supply quotes from qualified and certified Disadvantaged Business Enterprise firms (includes MBE, WBE, SBE, SBRA, LSAF, & HUB). The Project may be funded in whole or part by the EPA through the California State Revolving Fund (CASRF) Clean Water and Drinking Water SRF (CWSRF) and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) programs, which requires compliance with Build America, Buy America Act (BABA), American Iron and Steel, Davis Bacon prevailing wage rates, and USEPA DBE compliance requirements. Please contact APEC for assistance with bonding, lines of credit, insurance, necessary equipment, supplies or materials. EOE.

Plans can be viewed at:
Anderson Pacific, 1370 Norman Ave., Santa Clara, CA 95054 by appointment or downloaded from:
Submit Quotes to:
Anderson Pacific Attn: Estimating - Phone: 408-970-9900 " Fax: 408-213-0532 " Email: estimating@andpac.com

NOTE: *** All quotes must be per “plans and specifications,” unless otherwise noted. An EPA 4500-3 DBE Subcontractor Participation Form must be submitted with scope/quote. ***

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Estimating Department

Project Estimator

Estimating Department


(408) 970-9900


(408) 213-0532


1370 Norman Avenue
Santa Clara, CA 95054

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