
is seeking qualified DVBEs

Project Name

Natomas HS Pool Renovation

Bid/Contract #


Awarding Agency

Natomas Unified School District

Project Location

Natomas, Sacramento County, CA

Bid Date

02/11/2025 at 02:00

Project Details

The Natomas HS Pool Modernization project consists of pool deck replacement, pool refinishing, portable lifeguard chair, site furniture (OFCI), removal and replacement of lawn areas with synthetic turf, removal and capping irrigation system and painting all doors, door frames, downspouts and columns.

We are seeking quotes from certified DVBE Subcontractors or Material Suppliers for Erosion Control, Survey, Demolition, Caulking and Sealants, Concrete, Pools, Painting, Earthwork and Grading, Electrical, Turf, Landscaping, and Fences and Gates.

The DVBE participation requirement for the project is 3%.

--This project is subject to prevailing wage requirements--

Pricing Due: 2/11/2025 Before 2:00 pm (preferably in the morning).

Please send bids and questions to Holly at hhockett@creeksideinc.net . Holly can also be reached at 916-546-1389. Bids should be submitted the morning of 2/11/2025 to provide adequate time for review. All bid documents can be found here: https://app.buildingconnected.com/public/5cf5604be4e52b001881cdc9

Please monitor the website for addendums as they may be released.

Get in Touch

Outreach Coordinator

Holly Kuchenthal


(916) 546-1389


(000) 000-0000


3131 Peacekeeper Way, STE 400
McClellan Park, CA 95952

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