
Atlanta M/FBE Program

The program summary on this page was last updated on 04/19/2018. If any of the information or links are out-of-date, please contact us.

The City of Atlanta's Office of Contract Compliance is responsible for the city's Equal Business Opportunity Program, which promotes minority- and women-owned business inclusion in city contracting. To take advantage of the program, businesses must first be certified as a City of Atlanta supplier. Once a certified supplier, eligible businesses can apply for Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) certification and/or a Small Business Opportunity (SBO) certification. To become EBO-certified, a business must be a minority-owned business enterprises (MBE) and female-owned business enterprises (FBE).

Does this certification expire? A biennial Affidavit of No Change available from the Office of Contract Compliance must filed every two years.

Is any loan or bonding assistance provided through this program? A variety of loan and grant programs for various types and certifications of businesses offered under the auspices of the City of Atlanta are available to peruse at https://www.atlantaga.gov/doing-business/grants-loans-incentives.

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