
NYC SBS-APEX - Discretionary Spending webinar

When: Jan 17, 2024 @ 10:00 am

The New York City Department of Small Business Services APEX Accelerator (or NYC SBS-APEX, formerly SBS-PTAC) is hosting a webinar on "Generating Revenue Through NYC Discretionary Spending". The City makes certain purchases through discretionary spending means, to which are attached certain capacities for aiding MWBE-certified businesses. The webinar will teach attendees more about the various purchase methods (those being Micro Purchase, Small Purchase, and MWBE Non-Competitive Small Purchase), the rules and regulations involved, utilization goals and how they affect MWBEs, how agency buyers select vendors, tips of networking and marketing your business to government buyers, and more.

Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sbs-apex-generating-revenue-through-nyc-discretionary-spending-1172024-tickets-690944532697.