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The City of San José has announced it is preparing to launch a disparity study into the experiences of minority-, women-, disabled veteran-, and LGBTQ+- owned businesses and their experiences relating to City contracting. The study will examine whether or not those firms experience barriers in contracting with the City at rates reflecting their availability, and, if so, how to remedy those barriers.
Currently, the City is inviting all San José businesses to a virtual public meeting at which they can provide feedback on their experiences working with the City. Information provided will form part of the data upon which the study's conclusions are based. The meeting will take place on Monday, November 14 of 2022, at 11:30 AM. Details are available at
The study will fully kick off in November of 2022 and is expected to be concluded a year later. In addition to a comprehensive review of the City's recent contract data, direct engagement with the San José business community will also take place by a variety of means.
"The City is deeply committed to advancing and achieving equity and inclusion for everyone in San José, and this study will help us toward that fundamental goal," said Jennifer Maguire, City Manager of the City of San José.
Read the press release from the City at
Find the City's page for the study at