For Primes & Gov't
For DBEs, VetBiz, etc.
100% US-based
The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) is seeking public comment on its new disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) participation goals for fiscal years 2024 through 2026. ADOT is required to set such DBE participation goals on a triennial basis as a condition of being a recipient of federal transportation funding.
The DBE participation goal ADOT is proposing is 12.55 percent for the period. This would represent a slight decline from its current goal of 12.89 percent. According to ADOT's press release, the Department has in recent years achieved DBE participation close to its goals. ADOT is proposing that 7.65 percent participation is to be achieved through race- and gender-conscious means and the remaining 4.90 percent is to be achieved through race- and gender-neutral means. If approved, the new goal would go into effect on October 1st of 2023.
ADOT is seeking public comment on this DBE participation goal, as well as on the draft 2022 Availability Study Report relating to the goal. The public comment period began on November 15th of 2022 and runs through December 30th of 2022. ADOT is planning to hold virtual meetings on November 30th and December 1st at which members of the public can provide their comments. Additionally, comments may be submitted within the comment period by email to, or by physical mail at: ADOT Business Engagement and Compliance, 1801 W. Jefferson Ave., MD 154A, Phoenix, AZ 85007 (links and contact methods are also available in the press release below).
Read the press release from ADOT, complete with contact information and meeting times and registration links, at