
Michigan Governor signs directive to increase utilization of disadvantaged businesses

MI News - Published Apr 07, 2023

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer has signed an executive directive which would increase efforts made by the State to include Geographically Disadvantaged Business Enterprises, or GDBEs, in its public procurement. GDBEs tend to be located in areas such as small towns and inner cities.

The executive directive requires the the Department of Technology, Management, and Budget (DTMB) for the State to work towards achieving a goal of 20 percent of state contract dollars going to GDBEs begining in fiscal year 2023. The executive directive also requires DTMB to improve their data collection processes and liase with various purchasing agencies in order to be better prepared to meet the goal. The executive directive also requires the various state agencies to submit explanations to DTMB if they fail to meet the goal.

"Expanding our pool of contractors, creates more opportunities for minority, women, and veteran-owned businesses and creates a more competitive bidding process ," Gov. Whitmer said in a statement.

Read the press release from the governor's office at https://www.michigan.gov/whitmer/news/press-releases/2023/02/03/whitmer-signs-directive-increasing-business-opportunity-for-geographically-disadvantaged-enterprises.

Read the executive directive at https://content.govdelivery.com/attachments/MIEOG/2023/02/03/file_attachments/2400422/ED%202023-1%20GDBE%20Reporting%20%28final%20signed%29.pdf.