
Middlesex County forms MWBE Set-Aside Program

NJ News - Published Apr 13, 2023

The Middlesex County Board of County Commissioners have approved a resolution creating a goal of awarding 20 percent of all County contracts (by dollar value) to minority-, women-, veteran-owned and small businesses (MWVSBEs), by means of a new Set-Aside Program established for that purpose.

The Set-Aside Program aims to reach its 20 percent goal by means of holding the County to the responsibility of making good-faith efforts to reach the goal. Businesses will be determined to be qualifying MWVSBEs if they are designated as such by state law. The resolution that was adopted also calls for a new disparity study into County contracting to be conducted by the end of 2024, which will look at whether or not MWVSBEs are underutilized by the County relative to their availability.

"[The Set-Aside Program] is a key milestone in our journey to incorporate diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging principles into our business practices," said County Commissioner Director Ronald G. Rios in a statement.

Read the press release from the county at https://www.middlesexcountynj.gov/Home/Components/News/News/1035/148.